Hi friends. So many of you will get this post today due to being a DERTY Yoga subscriber. I hope you will take a few minutes and read this. It's for YOU.
I am going to get real with you today. I'm always honest and transparent in my blogs, but this one is different because something is weighing on me and I need to express it.
My caveat is I promise in now way am I being judgy or trying to make anyone feel bad. This is coming from my heart and deepest care for you. ❤️

I've shared so many messages with you on the importance of your health - mentally, spiritually and physically, and how yoga can help you, and how it has changed my life. I'm not sure those posts influenced anyone because I haven't heard of anyone coming in because of anything I've said. I don't do them for that to happen, yet there is always a part of me that prays I can/will help just one person whose life would be forever changed by coming here. I believe everyone is worthy and our bodies are our temples and need to feel safe, loved and restful.

I understand you have to do you, and everyone has their reasons why they don't check us out; Life is busy and at times chaotic and the world is challenging. We seem to live in a "want" or "need" society. We "need" a car or transportation. We "need" clothes and food. Some of us "need" medications. People don't think they need yoga or exercise. It's not generally on anyone's "NEED" list. BUT here's what I want to say to you today....IT SHOULD BE!
If you experience stress, achy joints, knee issues, back pain, neck stiffness, depression, etc. you really do need yoga. Yoga can help with EVERY mentioned issue, and then

some. Rather than filling your body with foreign substances wouldn't it be amazing to give your body grace and healing, or at least help the targeted areas feel better, naturally with your own self-care? Is it a miracle worker....maybe not for everyone. It does absolutely 100% help your body use it's organic structure to heal/help/fix itself. I am living proof of this and you know I've shared intimate stories with you of how yoga helped my GI as well as my physical being and mental health.
Wouldn't it be amazing to feel better daily because of something you did for yourself and not have to take the advil or stronger meds to get through the day? *Please know I am NOT saying medicine is bad if needed for a specific issue in order to get through your day or night. I understand that.* I have to take my anti-depressant whether I do yoga or exercise or not because my mental health is at serious risk if I don't. Yoga helps my day to day mental/emotional release and my body to continue to be strong and balanced from inside out.

My message to you today is not judgement or guilt. I truly, from the depths of my soul, want you to feel healthy, strong, restored and pain-free. I love and care about you even if I don't know you. You are a human being created for a purpose and you deserve to be happy and ache-free as much as humanly possible.
It takes one class and you'll feel it. Would it really be that bad to just come and try one class? We offer so many class choices and various times I know you'll find one that fits you. If you're not sure call me/us. I'm here for you Monday-Thursdays 1030-2.
727-223-5488. frontdesk@dertyyoga.com. Let's talk schedules, classes and benefits. 😘
Praying you will give a yoga class a try and I look forward to meeting you. xoxo
I love this place! All of the instructors are amazing and will help anyone from beginner through more advanced poses. What ever YOU want to do. Keep an open mind. Give it a try!