Hi there. Happy Hump Daaayyyy! 🐪
I wound up not taking the Hatha class last night. I just wasn't feeling well and the discomfort from elbow had me feeling nauseous most of the day and I had a headache. Headache meds and aleve and to bed right after work. 😴
This morning however I am feeling better. Elbow is still painful but not as piercing.
I took the Hatha class minus any downward dog/arm supporting positions. The instructor was very kind to alter the class a bit to help with what I could do and couldn't do with my arm. My classmate had some physical restraints herself so we both did great with what we were given for positions.
I want to do a personal shout-out to the classmate as she has told me twice now since she started coming last week that I am her inspiration and she loves my blogs. THANK YOU! I'm deeply humbled by this as I don't see myself as anything but just helpful and caring. I give to others what I would want in return. Everyone deserves to know their worth and strengths, internal as well as external. I'm very proud of her for coming and having determination. She's doing so good! 😊
Warrior 1 - Feeling Strong!
The stretching is amazing for me. I can't stress enough the importance of stretching and what it does for every part of your body. I feel so much better physically and mentally when I've stretched. It's as if my body was in separate pieces and it puts me back together again.
I hope everyone has a great day and can get out and enjoy this beautiful sunshiny day. I appreciate all who are following me and encourage you to give yoga a try if you're not doing so already. Hugs! 😘